New Trainings

The Productivity Booster

Implementing an adequate performance management system constitutes the backbone of a communication culture within your organization.

Whether based on the feedback reporting of one or multiple stakeholders, an objective and fair review process inevitably drives your employees to become more effective and fulfilled at work, as they will know the extent to which they are achieving their business goals and their interpersonal objectives.

HR Consultant & Trainer Jessica Najjar Akiki exposes the various performance management systems, and analyses the pros and cons of each. She takes you through the steps needed to develop a comprehensive system including quantitative and qualitative performance criteria. She describes how to set the right measures to manage people and conduct effective performance appraisal meetings as a means for assessing and improving performance.

She also explains how to set a follow-up system that makes data collection easier and allows performance indicators to remain updated and aligned with changing organizational priorities.

Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

What you will learn:

Target Competencies:

Target Audience:

The target audience for this workshop includes HR team leaders, as well as HR managers and line managers who would like to optimize their employees’ performance.

Course Format:

This one-day workshop is delivered to individuals and organizations, and follows an interactive approach using role plays, as well as individual and group exercises.

Course Agenda:

1. Performance Management Cycle

3. Performance Appraisal

2. Performance Management Systems

4. Emerging Trends

We provide you with customized workshops to cater your organization's needs